Young people involved in criminal justice are associated with housing instability
The intricate relationship between homelessness and juvenile delinquency has garnered significant attention, highlighting the need to examine the interplay of these issues and the subsequent repercussions for young individuals involved in the criminal justice system. The objective is to determine the primary factors that lead to this issue and examine its effects on their lives. We conducted a thorough analysis of scholarly articles, focusing mainly on subjects such as homelessness, the legal system, young people, poverty, mental health, substance addiction, social assistance, policy impacts, and multidisciplinary approaches. The study reveals that young persons involved in the criminal justice system are greatly affected by insecure housing, which is driven by factors such as poverty, mental health illnesses, drug addiction, and a lack of social support. The association between the involvement of young individuals in the criminal justice system and their absence of secure housing is evident, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to address this problem effectively. Efficient cooperation across the criminal justice, social service, and housing sectors is vital. This study highlights the need for more research to improve our understanding of the complex relationship between housing hardship and teenage misbehavior.
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